Products & Services

Multi Metal Plating Unit
A floor mounted Console unit Comprising of multi stage plating set up like cleaning, Nickel / Copper (under coat) Silver, Gold, Rhodium (in multi-stations) and Rinsing, fitted with all the accessories including rectifier and process-wise filter unit. Bath 2 litters onwards as desired.

Precious Metal Plating Module
A novel production module in circular (or Rectangular) tank with built-in vertical cathode swing movement (speed adjustable) CVCC or Pulse Rectifier, Process Timer, Ampere Hr/Min/Sec counter, Anode / Cathode bus bar fittings, Filtration unit etc in desired bath capacity from 50 litres onwards.

Electrophoretic Lacquer Plant
The lacquer coating of Acrylic or Polyuraethane imparts clear transparent or dye coloured finishes on plated or polished surfaces to enrich the final finish and enhance the durability. A tailor-made plant is fabricated to suit customers requirement, from a tabletop model of 50 lits to floor mounting unit of 200 lit onwards bath capacity. tanks, ovens, special rectifier, micron filter, ultrafilter unit, chilling unit, DM water plant, controls & safety fittings in open or attractive console. Installation, commissioning and training provided.